28 February 2012

Pinterest How to - Part 2

So are we all set for pinning today? 

Following on from yesterday's post - Pinterest, How to Part 1 - today I'm going to talk about creating boards  and pinning.

What are Boards?

Boards are like tags or categories in blogs.  For example I have a board called "Needle crafts" so I 'pin' anything to do with knitting, sewing etc onto this board.  Don't worry I'll show you how to do that in a mo.

First of all you need to create your own boards.

To do this click on the Add button in the top right of your Pinterest home screen and the following box will appear

Click on Create a Board and the following box appears:

Give your board a name  and categorise it ... example below

With regard to "Who can pin?"  that's up to you.  I have my boards set so that only I can pin on them but if you want other people to you can chose theother option.

Once you have all that filled in click on the Create Board button and voila you've just created your first board!

Now you're going to want to add things to your board.  There are a few ways to do this.  The act of doing it is called "pinning".

One way to do this is by 'repinning' something on the Pinterest home page. 

Stick with me ... it will all make sense, I promise.  

How to Pin?

Once you login to Pinterest you can click on the "Everything" in the top toolbar.  This will produce a drop down list from which you can choose items you like e.g. DIY & Crafts. (Alternatively you can do a search using the search box in the top left of the screen)

Lots of images will be displayed which you can scroll through.  You have three options when you come to an image you like.  You can repin it (i.e. pin it to your board), like it and/or comment on it.  

There is no right or wrong thing to do here.  It's entirely up to you.

I tend to repin things that I really like and possibly want to make or refer to in the future.   I don't comment an awful lot unless something really stands out.  Although the longer I use Pinterest and the more I have images from my own blog pinned and commented on the more I now comment myself.   As with blogger it means a lot when someone takes the time to comment. 

Ok I digress!

To pin this to your board you click on repin which then displays the box below:

 "Fimo Love" is the board I created.  
If you have more than one board you can click on the drop down arrow to choose the board you wish to pin to.
You also have a section for comments.  It's important to credit the original source especially if you are pinning from someones site.  See more on pinterest etiquette here

Once you click on the Pin It button it's added to your board.

Have I lost you?  I hope not.

Another way to pin is by using the PIN it button but I think that's enough for today.  I'll be back later in the week with another Pinterest How to. 

Happy Pinning !

1 comment:

  1. Michelle,
    Thanks for you visit. It was a pleasure to receive you.
    We will visit you many times.


♥ Thank you so much for your comment ♥ The fact that you have gone out of your way to leave a comment totally makes my day ♥ Have a truly fabulous day! Michelle x

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