28 June 2010

Quick Pencil Case Tutorial

Sorry for disappearing again.  Just been busy working behind the scenes and I'm afraid I can't share on what ... just yet.

To make up for it here's a cute little pencil case tutorial which includes a quick and easy way of adding a zipper.  It's the perfect project for using up leftover fabrics.

You've got all summer to practice and have them perfect for the back to school rush in September :o)   Or, you could whip up a few for Christmas presents.  If you make them slightly bigger they can be used as make up bags too (I hope none of my friends are reading this).

Let me know how you get on.  Leave a comment below or on my facebook page :o)

If you click on the images they will open in a larger screen, making it easier to read.  I'll make the document available to download and leave a comment with the link later on.


  1. Yes! This is a quick and easy project! And best of all, very useful! And it's never too early to start thinking about Christmas. Before you know it it's there and you're wondewring where time has gone and how you're going to solve the gifte situation. Thanks! ;)

  2. wow That's a fab tutorial. Thanks for sharing it with us. I alway's shy away from zip's but I really must give this a go.


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