21 September 2010

Busy weekend

Hope you all had a lovely weekend
mine is a bit of a blur
from sewing to painting to baking yummy bread
I packed a lot in for sure.

I got all the aprons sewn up and they are being delivered tonight.

I gave my pyjama top/jacket another re-vamp. 

Added some buttons ... that you can just about see!

and a ribbon to the back

If you look closely you'll see it says Burberry and if you look closer you'll see fragrance!  How's that for thrifty :o)  I doubt anyone will notice, well apart from all of you who are reading this :o)

I made the most delicious brown bread, so delicious it was all eaten and I have nothing to show you.  I'll just have to make another one this week!

I also got a lot of painting done.  The chair is almost there!  I got a little distracted with painting pink black boards. 

Yes 'pink' blackboards, there is such a thing!!  (she says wearily after several discussions with various hardware shop owners who laughed at me when I asked if they stock it!).

Hopefully next weekend will be a little quieter, somehow I doubt it as I have two of these lovely pieces to revamp yet.

The plan is to join them together and make an island unit for my kitchen.  I'm totally torn with regards to painting it grey to match the kitchen or stripping it ... What do you think???


  1. love the aprons, and the jacket is gorgeous - I LOVE floral prints - as for the unit .... I think I would strip it ... extra work but worth it :)

  2. If in doubt - paint it! You have been incredibly busy. I am green with envy over your GORGEOUS fabric cabinet. Please can we have a better look sometime?xx

  3. Hi Michelle,
    You were very busy!
    What wonderful things you have made
    Love the pj
    Grey looks great to me...

  4. hI Michelle

    Definitely paint it...LOVE your kitchen! How comes you made so many aprons? Cool Pink blackboard paint.

  5. always paint I love to just slop it on I think it gives it character! you have been a busy beaver missy I love it!!

  6. Hi Michelle - so lovely to have found you 'hello!'

    I think paint your cabinet grey - the old me would of said strip it back, but these days most definitely painted.

    Have a lovely day,

    Nina xxx

  7. I think I'd paint it the same grey as the rest of the kitchen...but that's just me. I love grey.

    Coincidence, I've been making aprons too lately, not as colourful as yours...black and old linen, but they'll do the job nicely.


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