25 January 2010

Bag makeover

Did you notice the bag on the door in yesterday's post?  Well there's a story behind it ...

I had it in a pile to take to the charity shop. It was a yellow tartan colour and there was a button missing.  I wasn't too keen on it but as I turned it inside out (to empty it) I decided I liked the grey lining so much better.  So voila it's now a lovely new(ish) bag that cost me nothing!  No wonder I don't get to leave much into the charity shops.  I always end up pulling things out thinking I can do this that and the other with them.  At least this time I actually did it though!

The bag was obviously meant to be as it is also the perfect place for my new knitted corsage.  I saw this picture in a magazine and loved the corsages.  I thought 'i want one of those'.

I went online and they were on sale. I thought 'yipee' ... went through the process of ordering the lovley mossy green one only to be told then that it was out of stock. Not one to be defeated I thought 'i'm sure I have some wool similar in colour' and of course, I did. So, I spent a couple of evenings working out patterns from about 3 different books and voila ... here's my version -

The moral of this story .... double check, in fact treble check your charity shop bag before you leave it in.  You never know what you'll end up with.

Just realised this is also a perfect example of my "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repurpose" mantra for 2010 :o)

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend.  Got to go now as I have my sale in Gleesons today at 2pm.


  1. Really good- it's remarkable that it works inside out. A friend of min always brings her charity shop bags to me before she takes them to the ship - I have a good rummage and then pass them on!

  2. Your corsage is beautiful. You clever thing you. I am glad you decided to turn your bag inside out. It looks lovely.
    have a lovely week
    Rachael XX


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