9 September 2012

Cocktails in the Caravan

Well here she is, my little Dot

I've been DYING to tell you all about her and share all the pics but have held back - God that was hard!!

I got her in January and for quite a while she was left in my Dad's yard in a rather sad and depressing state but as and when I got time she was stripped bare and turned from drab and dreary to my lovely little Dot.

When she arrived she was a little battered to say the least.  Afterall she was home to a dog!  Yes, I kid you not.  But I didn't care.  I knew with a bit of tender loving care and a bit of michellemadethis magic she would be a cinderella in not time.

So the clean up began.

Brace yourselves for the before pictures, they are pretty grim!!

The outside wasn't too bad, just needed a good clean and all the moss scrubbed off (can't really see that in the pic)

The inside however was pretty grim to say the least

But you know me - I just love a challenge!!

Once I removed all the furnishings, scraped the lino off the floor and gave it several cleans with bleach and disinfectant it was lathered in white paint!

Then the fun stuff happened ...

I made pretty curtains for it out of an old white linen table cloth with some lace edging

and started adding lots of lovelies to it.

Here's what it looks like now :O) 

Sorry the pics are a bit dark, will take more on a brighter day.

What do you think?

To celebrate and give me a deadline to get her finished I organised a party

Cocktails in the Caravan

These were the invites I sent out 

The dresscode was polkadots!

Needless to say it was a great night and Dot got her name.

Her full name being "Dotty Carafanny" after several cocktails and lots of laughter but I'm sticking with Dot for short. 

Do you like her?  Do you have a caravan too?  Would love to see the pics.  

If you, like me, are dotty about Dot and all sorts of caravans check out my board on pinterest.


  1. Dot is gorgeous :) Are you going to tow her or is she just staying put??

    We bought our first van this year (Bertie) - he's been away a few times over the summer - there are pics/posts on my blog :)

  2. Beautiful.... So very impressed at your hardwork!
    We have just bought an Eriba Puck for the camper van to tow... Its in a very poor state, & in need of lots of TLC, so Dot has inspired me!

  3. Dot is devine. We dont have a caravan, but oh how I would love one. I have to make do with my cute summerhouse instead, but at least I still get to dress it up and party in it.

  4. Oh, wow! She is absolutely darling. (Former dog house?!! So how does Dot smell, and what did you have to do to make her smell nice?)
    I'm also wondering how you are going to pull her around.

    She is just soooooooo cute!

  5. Thats some makeover! You've done a wonderful job.

  6. You've done a wonderful job. Well done you xx

  7. Oooh i'm in love, so so jealous, she looks beautiful xx


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