15 December 2011

Country Cottage Christmas Craft Sale 2011

Sorry for the delay, as promised here are the pics from my open house at the weekend

Grab yourself a mince pie and come on through ....

My little country cottage was converted into a pop up shop for the weekend.

 I had embellished berets, applique cushions, handmade cards, card making kits, printed wrapping paper, knitting kits, corsages, gift bags, teddies, dollies, knitted booties and so much more.


The bedtime buddies were very popular. 
The come with a little poem hand written on a manilla tag ...

Take me to bed
cuddle me tight
I'll help you sleep
all through the night

The cushions are also very popular this year

Some of my favs were the knitted teddies, and these sparkly red booties too!

And ... my little polka dot teddies too.

So there you go, that's what those of you missed who couldn't make it.  It  was a lovely weekend (if I say so myself).  I'm hoping to have another in a few months as I think it's a great way to showcase your work.  It's been particularly hard this year as there have been craft fairs all over the place every second day!

For those of you living in or near Roscommon I will have a stall at the

Farmers Market

in Roscommon Square

(Roscommon town) tomorrow morning. 

Ho! Ho! Ho!

I better go.


  1. I really wanted to go Michelle but couldn't when it came to it. I was really disappointed - hopefully I'll get to the next one.

  2. such a great idea! wonderful giftys and makes ;0)x

  3. Looks fabulous. What a variety of goodies.

  4. Looks lovely, wish I could go!

  5. What a lovely idea!! Hope you did well.


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