5 November 2011

My cottage industry

I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by Mairead O'Shea for our local paper, the Roscommon Herald.

Mairead wrote a lovely article all about me and my little cottage industry, michellemadethis.  So if you want to know how it all started, who inspired me and what exactly I do you can read the full article here.

Happy Saturday!


  1. Lovely article, Michelle. I'm so glad you are living your dream. Love your grandma's handcrank--and knowing that if a storm every knocks out your electric power you can use it to continue crafting!

  2. The article is fab.. and loving your big chalk board too... The fabrics you use to create things is lovely. :O)

  3. Good for you! What a nice highlight.


♥ Thank you so much for your comment ♥ The fact that you have gone out of your way to leave a comment totally makes my day ♥ Have a truly fabulous day! Michelle x

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