22 September 2011

Hedgerow bouquet

A bouquet from my hedgerow


Just in time too - apparently we are due snow in October if this report is anything to go by  !!

The ladies attending my knitting workshop have all requested to knit a hat tomorrow night .... I think I'll knit one too. 

Looks like we're going to need our hats sooner than we thought.

We could be facing this in a matter of weeks .....

Yikes !!!


  1. i know i was reading the article yesterday on the snow report- yikeee's, seems like its turned more humid here and we've had glorious sunshine too- dont fancy the brisky winter snow falls too early walking up hillys to school on the school run ;0(...Lovely and sooo very sweet your hedgrow flowers ;) xx

  2. Yes I saw that weather report. Brrrr
    Lovely hedgerow flowers

  3. Aha, we both have hedgerow bouquets in our posts just now! Love the pretty flowers you found. But not the thought of snow so early ... I was looking forwards to an October of mists and mellow fruitfulness not freezing fog and ice!


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