18 April 2010

A little stressed at the moment

Sorry for lack of posts but it's coming to the end of my first year at college (yes, I've already done a year!!) and I'm busy and stressed trying to get project books, assignments and drawings completed.

I'm also getting ready for a big knitting event (see my facebook page for more details, click on the Events tab) as part of the Roscommon Lamb Festival this year so it's all go go go.

Drinking lots of coffee, possibly too much!!

Hope to be back soon and show you all that I've been doing in between.  The veggie patch is all planted up, I've got hundreds of flower seeds planted and germinating as we speak, I've also started painting the outside of the cottage and the kitchen has had some new additions also.  Never a dull moment here.


  1. You can do it girl, hang in there! Just think how wonderful you will feel when it's over!
    Spoken by a true mother:)

  2. Sometimes life gets like this here too. Hang in there, things will slow down soon. have said that, sometimes is nice all the go go go . LOL

  3. Sounds so busy Michelle! It'll all be worth it when your gardens full of flowers and you're wondering what to do with all your veg! I remember pulling all nighters in College too, and going to bed with my makeup still on! keep up the good work x


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