24 February 2010


First of all, thank you so much for all the lovely emails and comments regarding my last post.  I didn't feel much like smiling after the weekend but various things have happened since to put a smile on my face, all of which I know Bridie would have loved too.

First of all I won a giveaway.  I won this gorgeous print by Janet. I can't wait for her to arrive, I think she's gorgeous.   Thank you so much Janet xx


I also finished knitting this little lady.

She was so quick to knit.  I only started her on Tuesday at the knitting group, and finished her Saturday night.  


She was knit up based on a few different patterns including this one by Amy Gaines.

Finally ... I think I'm saving the best for last. 

My kitchen has been fitted !!!  

This is a sneak peak as I'm afraid it was left in a heap this week and I only got round to tidying it this evening.  As you can see from the drawer on the left I've already started to paint it. 

I've decided to go for grey like the doors.  However, after the test patch below I've decided to go for a much lighter colour as the one for the doors is just a bit too dark.  I hope it comes out ok.  

Hopefully it will all be done tomorrow and I can show it to you all finished.  

Hopefully :o)


  1. Sorry to hear about your friend.
    Glad your feeling brighter.
    Loving the kitchen it looks wonderful, can't wait to see it when you have painted it.
    Luv Sophie xxx

  2. Nichelle, glad you're feeling better and a little brighter.

    The kitchen looks marvellous! I love a nice lamp in a kitchen...it makes it feel so homey and much less working area like. I love the new cabinets...they look terrific and will be lovely once you've finished the painting. Well done!

  3. its stunning.. absolutely gorgeous.. will be lovely the pale grey aswell..
    sorry to hear about your friend.. it can be a very hard time

  4. Lucky you, a lovely surprise gift from Janet Clare! Your kitchen is fab, look forward to seeing the finished kitchen.

  5. That looks lovely, I think the grey will look great.
    Emma x

  6. Hi Michelle!
    Love your knitted doll and your kitchen is looking lovely!
    Glad to know that things are getting a bit easier.

  7. Love your doll...looking forward to seeing your kitchen :) xx

  8. Very sweet Kitchen.Nice and soft and cozy.

    I love your doll as well.I became a follower of your blog, and thanks for joining mine!~~Becky

  9. Sorry to hear about Bridie. very sad.
    kitchen is really taking shape, bet you can't wait to get back to normality. Luv the doll, so cute.x


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