22 January 2010

Summer Sunshine

I've put my order in for Tilda's summer ideas book, can't wait for it to arrive.

She has a new Spring range of papers and fabrics out too.  Here's a few pics to get your Tilda tastebuds going ...

These magazine files are just adorable ... so much nicer than my battered ikea ones.

  I love these bird houses too, even if they are completley impractical for Irish weather :o) 

 Wouldn't you just love to receive prezzis wrapped like this.  Roughly translated "I'd love to receive prezzis wrapped like these" ... hint hint my birthday is in June :o)

I know my friend Jenny would love these tins as they are very Greengate-like.

Anyways if you like any of the above you are just going to love the whole range over at Panduro.  Don't forget to grab a coffee before you head over ... you might be there a while :o)

All we need now is some summer sunshine ....


  1. I love those bird houses! Hope you have a lovely weekend xx

  2. I love that site and could look on it and in their catalogue for hours. I want that ideas book too and the paper stack with the new pretty designs! It is such a pretty range. I keep the other tilda sew sunny books by my bed and am forever delving into them! Those tins adorne my dresser and they are very practical and oh so pretty! I love the idea of decorating boring things like files to make them pretty. Functional doesn't have to look awful! Have a great weekend! xxx

  3. Sunshine! If only... Have a lovely weekend, Kate x

  4. That book looks really interesting. I wouldn't mind having a look at that. I'm glad I'm following your blog because you've introduced me to something new.
    Have a good weekend.

  5. Ohh, I got my Panduro catalogue today. Arn't there some lovely things in it.
    Let me know what the tilda book is like.
    Luv Sophie xxx

  6. great blog....those bird houses are fantastic....good to meet you!


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