With some of the material left over from the star cushions and some leftover pink felt from another project and some of my beads (a present from my sister about two years ago ... I knew they would be used one day)
I made these cupcakes
I've used some of them on cards
The rest I plan to use on bags ... coming soon :o)
I'm also making some really cute rudolphs with an old brown blanket I bought years ago in a second hand shop or boot fair, can't remember which!? I'll post pics soon.
And ... yes there's more. I've made some really cute snowmen with more scrap material left over from the star cushions. Pictures to follow soon.
Better go and finish all these little projects.
As there are only 28 days to go ...
Oh my god what an amazing blog! I don't know how we will keep up with you at college. You are putting us all to shame. Will you come to my house and just turn it into a Michelle's wonderland. Wonder if you can guess which one of your classmates this is. just a hint......... michelle xXx tony!!!!