18 November 2012

Hopes and Dreams

I've been making some of these removable notebook covers for Christmas and have kept one aside for myself. I can't wait for a quiet few hours to sit down and start thinking about my hopes and dreams for 2013.

I'm a big dreamer, always have been.

Every year I start with a blank hardback a5 notebook (i have tried all sorts of variations but for me this type works best) which gets full of doodles, notes, ideas, sketches etc. it's something I have always one, a kind of ongoing vision board I suppose. I find I have so many ideas that if I don't write them down or do a quick doodle I will forget them. Actually, even with the doodle I sometimes look back and think "what was that"?

Here's a few snippets from this years notebook ...

I even take it to the cinema.

These were done during the movie Brave and the inspiration for this Little Christmas Fairy.

Do you do the same? Do you make new year resolutions or create a vision board or just write a few things in your diary? Would love to hear what everyone else does?

Hope you're all having a fun filled weekend x


  1. I like this idea! I have note books and scraps of paper all over the place with ideas on them. I need to do what you do and have just 1 book with everything in!
    Love the fairy!!!

  2. Great idea Michelle! And that fabric cover is you gorgeous too. Hazel x


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