19 March 2011

Knitting & Sculpting

As part of the build up to the Knitting World Record Attempt I've been organising lots of Stitch'n Bitch mornings, Knit'n Wine nights and even an interactive knitting window display :O)

Here's a few pics of me and some of the ladies knitting in Frances' shop window in Roscommon from last weekend.  It was great fun! I laughed so much.  The reaction on people's faces as they walked past was hilarious :O)

In between all this knitting I'm trying to finish some of my sculpture projects at college so I'm busy busy busy.  Thankfully the weather, albeit sunny, is still cold (we even had snow last week) so I'm not being tempted into the garden ... just yet!

We've been carving stone ...

and doing LOTS of paper mache. 
I liked it to start but now I'll be happy not to see it again for a LONG time!

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend x


  1. These are going to be so fun!

    I watched a documentary on the potato famine in Ireland back in the 1800's soooo sad....

  2. Good luck with you world record for knitting. my name is Frances and I am a knitter so this post made me smile. Unfortunately, I am too far away from you to consider joining on April 30.


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