1 March 2010


Finally, the first day of Spring.  

I'm afraid the picture is from last year, there's no sign of my daffs just yet.

However, the sun has been beaming in my kitchen window all day which has been lovely.   And here are some fascinating facts about March
  • March starts on the same day of the week as November every year and February in common years only
  •  It's Kesha Sebert's birthday today, shared with many others here
 Superstitions associated with March 
March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.

This means that the first day of March is often stormy, and the last day is mild and warm ... hmm the first day has been beautiful, not looking good so??
A dry March and a wet May
Fill Barns and Bays with lots of hay 

Ok this is sounding better

As it rains in March so it rains in June

So far so good, please don't let me be speaking too soon!

 Finally I leave you with a sneak peek of the kitchen.  

I ended up sticking with the antique grey that I used on the doors after a bit of a palava with paint colours.  'A bit' is an understatement actually but I won't bore you with the details.

Happy first day of Spring everybody xx


  1. Some great facts there.
    Your kitchen is looking great.
    Have fun,
    Rachael xx

  2. The cabinets are looking good!

  3. Its Autumn for me!! xx Enjoy spring! x


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