11 January 2014

14 things about me

As part of 2014 I thought I'd go back to basics and how and why I started my blog.

Before I do I have to say a belated happy birthday to my blog (I missed it!!)
Happy 6th Birthday michellemadethis.blogspot!

It's funny looking back at my first ever blog post. I started my blog sharing ideas and my crafty makes but it has led to me appearing on tv, featured in magazines, running a business and so much more.  Yet, I seem to have totally ignored it for most of last year.  I wonder why?  Well I know it was because Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest took over but this year I'd like to go back to where it all began, review, refresh and restart. 

So let's start with getting to know eachother again. 

I'm going to share 14 things with you for 2014 and I'd love you to join in too.  Simply save the image below and share on your blog or just link back to this post or even comment below with 14 things about you. 

1.  I love music. 

 If I'm driving anywhere further than 15 minutes I will always think about what music I am going to listen to rather than think about checking oil or tyres.  I love listening to music alone, uninteruppted and on my headphones (obviuously not in the car).  I love buying cds and hate downloading music.

2. I am a bit of a hoarder 

I say a bit - a lot !  I am trying, really I am, to be less of one but I'm not sure I'm being very successful.  I will keep trying though. 

3. I love hats

Berets are my favourite but the red one in the photo seems to be in top position lately :O)

4. I worry ... a lot 

I am a terrible worrier.  I worry all the time.  If I feel I have nothing to worry about I then worry that I have nothing to worry about.  I told you, I worry a lot!

5. I am a hopeless romantic

I blame it on old black and white movies that I used to watch on Saturday mornings when I was younger.  That and fairytales - they always end happy ever after.  I adore hearing people's stories of how they met their other halves.  My favourite is my Nanny's.  She fancied my Grandad for a while, they went to a local dance, he didn't ask her to dance at it so she cycled home.  She got a puncture (she let the air out of her tyre) on the way home, he came upon her and the rest is history.  All say ahhhhhhhhhh :o) 

6. I am a bit of a giggler

I giggle at the most inappropriate times.  Always have and probably always will.  I was the one who always got caught giggling at school!  I just can't hide it.

7. I love trains

I love travelling by train - it's like a holiday!  It's a few hours of uninterupted time to read a book, listen to music, write lists, read magazines etc.  I know I can do that anytime at home but there's always a feeling of guilt when I do, at least I'm on on the train and have no other choice.  

8.  I want to live by the sea

I would love to live by the sea.  I imagine myself in a beautiful cottage with a white picket fence leading to the beach, swimming in the sea each morning until I am old and grey.  

9. I need a 48 hour day

I can never understand this.  I live alone, I'm self employed and I have no children and yet my days just seem to merge into eachother and disappear each week.  Is it just me? 

10. I have recluse-like tendancies

I often joke about this but sometimes I think I could easily be a recluse :O)  I love being on my own pottering about in the cottage with no one to annoy me.  Although I suppose being on fb/twitter and all the rest wouldn't make me a proper recluse.  I've even gone on holiday on my own and to be honest, they have been the best holidays I ever had.  Bliss!

11. I love going to the cinema

I love going to the movies.  Something I only realised when I lived in New York.  I hate listening to people munching and slurping beside me though so I prefer to go to a movie alone, especially during the week in the afternoon.  

12.  I buy flowers every week

I love fresh flowers in my kitchen.  Ever since I had my own place I have always bought flowers.  Obviously it would be nice to have them bought for me but for now I am happy to buy them myself :O) 

13. I hate texting

I hate writing them, receiving them - everything about texting.  Hate it! Why can't we all just pick up the phone.  It's easier, quicker and cheaper and NICER!

14. I'm going to be 40 this year ! 

So there you go.  Who's going to join in and share 14 things?  You can leave a comment below or post on your blog and come back and share the link.  
Looking forward to getting to know you better!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year Michelle and congratulations too on your 6th Blog Anniversary! Wishing you a wonderful and creative year ahead(If I were listing things about me it would actually be very similar to your list here! :D )
    Happy Weekend,
    Susan x


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