27 June 2013

Summer Sewing Camps

Just popping in to let you all know that my Summer Sewing Camps will commence next week. 

I'm super excited as I love the energy and enthusiasm kids have when they are sewing.  

I love that I give them all the same instruction but yet they all design and make something so incredibly unique.

It's also a great excuse to purge my fabric stash and force myself to share it :O) 

I wish I had a sewing camp to go to when I was kid.  I only ever remember sports camps and let's face it I'm not the sporty type!  I have fonder memories of sitting in the library reading books and emptying mum's washing up liquid bottles to use for some random Blue Peter crafty item!  What did you do during the summer holidays when you were a kid? 

Wishing all you mum's a sunny and speedy summer as I know a lot of you are dreading the next few weeks!

Keeeeep Stitching !  

If you wish to be kept up to date with details of workshops and camps that I run you can 

sign up to my newsletter

I promise it's not sent every week, just ever few weeks.  

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea - summer sewing camps for kids! My two would love this. Unfortunately we live too far away from you (Co Clare). Best of luck with it!!


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