8 May 2013

I'm a Cover Girl

Me ... a cover girl !!

If you follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram you will already have seen this and are probably saying "Oh not again!"  But for those of you that missed it I made it as a cover girl last week!

I was interviewed by the lovely Maria Moynihan from Irish Country Living (a supplement of the Irish Farmers Journal) and photographed by the lovely Carol Dunne a few weeks ago for what I thought was going to be a small 'piece' in the supplement.  However, the day before it hit the shelves I was met with a picture of my kitchen shelves on their Facebook page and a hint of what was to come.  

The next morning my mum was up at the crack of dawn and arrived at my house with three copies, and crusty rolls and cooked sausages.  Gosh we were far too excited to cook breakfast!  The kettle was switched on, Dad was called in from the shed and we all flicked through the pages to read my article.  I have to admit I was totally shocked when I opened the paper and seen a page and a half spread, as if the cover wasn't exciting enough!  

As with all these interviews one does feel slightly nervous coming nearer to the publishing day as you never quite know how what you have said is going to be interpreted.   I need not have a worried a second.  Maria wrote the loveliest of articles and nothing was embellished nor wrong.  Everything was just as I had waffled on to her on the day she came to the cottage.  As for the photos, Carol was spot on.  It;s funny, not one of my friend's could work out the where the rusty red galvanised background was!  Everyone is so used to seeing me in my kitchen or at the front of the house.  My Dad was quite pleased with himself at getting mentioned in the first few sentences and my boyfriend slightly embarrassed, but I'm sure equally chuffed all the same at getting a mention.


So there you go.  I may be the plumpest I have been in all my life (crusty rolls and sausages obviously don't help with that) but I made it as a cover girl! 

I've had such a lovely reaction to the article in the form of emails, facebook, twitter, instagram and over the weekend of the Lamb Festival so many people came up to me and congratulated me.  It's been just lovely. By the way, my dress, as I've had so many questions, was 5 quid in Asda :o) Slapping my imaginary back pocket with a smile. 

But now I must pass the baton on to the next lovely cover lady and look forward, as always, to reading the inspiring stories of fellow entrepreneurs in Irish Country Living.  I hope you do to.

Before I forget the article included a competition to win a weekend break for TWO to Roscommon, with two nights B&B in Gleesons Townhouse + 1 evening meal, including a full day workshop with yours truly.  So if you haven't got your copy you better rush out and get one now to enter.  Otherwise the details of the competition are here:

Thank you again to Maria and Carol for a lovely afternoon and all the lovely lovely lovely people who have been in touch.  The most common question is "Can we come and visit your house".  I'm afraid not.  I'm not open to the public, apart from random events I host.  If you would like to be kept informed of these you can sign up to my newsletter (follow this link).  Otherwise details of my workshops, products and events will appear on my website. 

Ta Ta for now !

1 comment:

♥ Thank you so much for your comment ♥ The fact that you have gone out of your way to leave a comment totally makes my day ♥ Have a truly fabulous day! Michelle x

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