9 February 2013

Sugar for my honey

So Valentines Day is approaching and I've been thinking of things to make.  I have seen these sugar cubes appear around the web for sometime now so I decided to make my own. 

They are SUPER EASY to make and SUPER QUICK 


You only need 3 ingredients:


Food Colouring & Water 

To make the heart shapes I used an ice cube tray but you can use a cookie cutter if you don't have an ice cube tray.  However, it's SO MUCH quicker with a tray.  
Keep an eye out in Lidl for these, super cheap but great for making chocolates, mini jellys, novelty ice cubes etc

How do you make it? I hear you ask.  Well it's quite simple really, so simple you will probably think, is that it? when I tell you.

Place sugar in a bowl (for the ice cube tray I used approx 1 old fashioned tea cup full of sugar), add 1 tbsp water and 1 drop of pink colouring (or whatever colouring you are using.  The more you add the deeper the colour)

Mix together until it has the texture of damp sand.  Spoon into the ice cube trays making sure to push it down with your finger.  I don't have a picture of this bit as I got way to excited and carried away!!  Yes, seriously I did :O) 

If you don't have an ice cube tray you can use a cookie cutter but this is pretty tedious, too much so for me!!

You have to spoon the mixture into the cookie cutter and then gently, I mean REALLY GENTLY push it out of the cutter and repeat for each cube.  I really love my boyfriend a lot but I'm not sure he would appreciate such effort ... especially as he doesn't even take sugar in his tea/coffee.  I'm only making them to add to my table of treats that I have planned for Valentines Day :O)

For the ice cube trays you leave the mixture for about an hour to dry out and then gently lay the ice cube tray on a plate and turn out.  (Kind of like when you make a pineapple upside down cake).

I have one of those sandwich trays which is perfect for this kind of job :O) 

The cuteness is just tooooo much !

I coudn't wait until Valentine's Day though.  

I had a friend come round for tea this evening and she got them, with a couple to take home for her pony or boyfriend or maybe one each :O)

So there you go cute little sugar lumps for your lovely.

So are you going to make some?

Let me know if you do, would love to see what other versions people come up with?  I've already been scouring my drawer of cookie cutters planning the next batch of sugar lumps.
So cute

So simple
So cheap 
So lovely 

Have a lovely weekend peeps x


  1. Oh so so cute I love this idea,
    daisy j

  2. I somehow missed this post, maybe because I was away last week. Cannot believe how cute this is, I've never seen this before. I will definitely be doing this, maybe for Easter. I have a thing about sugar lumps for afternoon tea, so much nicer than granulated, not that I even take sugar in my tea!! Thanks!!


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