30 December 2009

Bad Badger!!

I've been full of New Year optimism this week but that has been tarnished a little after yesterday.  

My lovely Miranda was taken by a nasty badger yesterday evening. 

The only good thing was that I managed to get rid of the badger mid-attack and save my other girls.

I thought it had taken 3 of my girls as only Charlotte was left.  I was out in the lashing rain walking the field looking for the others but to no avail. 

Needless to say I had a very sleepless night! 

I'm delighted to say that someone was looking over them as Carrie & Samantha woke me up this morning clucking away outside my bedroom window.  

They are all a little shaken up and didn't stir from the coup for most of the day but at least they are all together and safely locked up for the night.

Hopefully the badger won't be back.

So much for me keeping an eye out for foxes.  Apparently badgers are not known to kill chickens but I caught it mid act so I can confirm they do.  So for all you chicken owners out there make sure they are locked up safely.


  1. Oh my what a story and that poor Miranda!
    Thanks for visiting my blog and for your lovely comments. Glad I discovered yours too!
    I want to wish you a very happy New Year and all the best for 2010!!!!

  2. Blimey - never thought badgers were like that.

    How horrid for you :(

    Vicki xx

  3. aw sorry to hear about miranda :(

  4. Poor Miranda, I do hope she didn't suffer and that she went to feed baby badgers. That's what I tell myself when foxes steal one of my girls. It's all a circle of life.

  5. Thank you so much for all the lovely comments and emails about Miranda. The girls were much better today and ventured out of the coup. Mx

  6. Hi Michelle

    As a badger enthusiast and the keeper of three chickens myself (Henrietta, Clarissa and Mabel) I can only sympathise. Hopefully you'll be left in peace from now on.


  7. OK, as I have only **just** met you, I wasn't sure what you were referring to when you said "girls." At first, I thought daughters. Then I thought maybe dolls...? Finally, I realized you were talking about chickens. Ah, OK... Now it all makes sense! Good job, Nicole :-P Crazy story, though! And what a nasty bruise you got!


♥ Thank you so much for your comment ♥ The fact that you have gone out of your way to leave a comment totally makes my day ♥ Have a truly fabulous day! Michelle x

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